петак, 2. децембар 2016.

All In Packaging - Nordtek Packaging

Zdravo devojke,

u danasnjem postu zelim da vam pokazem stvari koje su mi stigle iz All In Packaging online prodavnice.

U pitanju je online prodavnica bazirana u Velikoj Britaniji, gde mozete da narucite razne ambalaze i pakovanja od stakla, plastike, akrila... pakovanja za kreme, karmine, parfeme, cuvanje hrane...takodje i nesesere i jos mnogo toga. Sve moze da se naruci na veliko, ali takodje i na malo.

Hi girls,

in today's post I'd like to show you the things that arrived from the All In Packaging online store.

It's an online store based in UK, from where you can order different kind of packagings made of glass, plastic, acryl.. packages for creams, lipsticks, perfumes, food... as well as cosmetic bags and many more. 

Meni su stvari poslate iz Madjarske i stigle su mi za oko nedelju dana.
The package was sent to me from Hungary it took about a week for it to arrive.

Ja sam narucila tri nesesera, tri kutijice za kreme, dve bocice za parfeme i jos jednu plasticnu bocicu sa rasprsivacem.

I ordered three cosmetic bags, three cream jars, two perfume bottles and another plastic bottle with atomizer.

Dimenzije ovog nesesera su 20x13x9 cm

Dimensions of the bag are 20x13x9.

Svidja mi se sto je ovako saren i veselih boja. :)

I like the colours of this bag a lot. 

Tu je, naravno, i rajsfeslus i to roze boje, a unutrasnjost je takva da je lako mozete ocistiti, ako se nesto od sminke prospe.

There's a zipper, of course, in pink colour and the inside is white and made of a material that can be easily cleaned.

Drugi neseser sa sovicama,  slican ovom prvom, ali manji, dimenzija 18x7x7, mi je takodje bio presladak.
Ovaj neseser ce biti deo mog sledeceg youtube giveaway-a. :)

The second cosmetic bag with owls, similar to the first one, but smaller, 18x7x7 cm, I also liked a lot.
This bag will be in my next youtube giveaway. :)

I treci neseser, tj. kozmeticka torbica, drugacijeg oblika. nije mnogo veliki, dimenzije su 15,5x10x5.9, ali je jako lep i dobro ce da posluzi.

And the third cosmetic bag, in different shape, not very big, 15,5x10x5,9 cm, but very pretty. 

Evo kako izgleda unutra:

This is what it looks like on the inside:

Narucila sam i nekoliko teglica za kreme, jednu staklenu sa belim poklopcem.
Ova teglica je od 50 ml i planiram da u njoj drzim gel kremu za povrede i bolove, koja je inace u teglici od 125 ml, tako da ce mi biti zgodnije da imam jednu manju na dohvat ruke.

I ordered a few cream jars, one made of glass with white cover.
This jar is a 50 ml jar and I plan to keep some gel cream for injuries in it. The original jar contains 125 ml , so it will be easier to have gel cream handy in a smaller jar.

Teglica je lepa i elegantna, ima plasticni poklopac koji se zavrce, plus jos jedan zastitni, manji, kao kod vecine krema.

The jar is very pretty and elegant, with plastic lid, plus another smaller one, like with most cream jars.

Narucila sam zatim jos jednu teglicu, ovog puta od akrila, jer je zbog materijala laksa od one staklene. Ova je, takodje, od 50 ml.

Then I ordered another jar, this time made of acryl, because of the material this one is much lighter that the glass one. This one is also 50 ml. 

Moram reci da mi se sam oblik jako mnogo svidja.

I must say that I like this shape a lot. 

Teglica je unutra okruglog oblika, a takodje tu su zastitni cep i poklopac.
The jar on the inside is in the shape of a circle and there is a cover and a lid there as well.

I treca, zadnja teglica u zlatnoj boji, takodje akrilna. I ona je od 50 ml.

And the third and the last jar in golden colour, also made of acryl.  This one is also 50 ml.

U njoj planiram da drzim Nivea soft kremu koju uvek kupujem u velikom pakovanju od 300 ml, pa da ne bih nosila veliko pakovanje kad negde podjem ili naknadno kupovala manje, ova teglica ce dobro da mi posluzi.

In this jar I plan to keep my Nivea soft cream, which I always buy in the big, 300 ml package, so that I wouldn't need to carry the big package with me, or buy a smaller one just for a trip, this jar will serve me well for that.

Zatim sam narucila dve stvari: plasticnu bocicu od 50 ml i poklopac sa pumpicom. Ovde morate obratiti paznju na dimenzije, da bi se pumpica uklopila sa bocicom. Moje su 20/410.

Then I ordered two things: 50 ml plastic bottle and an atomizer. Here you must pay attention to the size and dimensions, so that the atomizer would fit the bottle. Mine are 20/410.

Ja sam namerno izabrala poklopac u roze boji, a inace ovu bocicu cu koristiti za tecnost za ciscenje joga prostirke. Ovo je nesto sto mi je bas bilo potrebno i jako sam zadovoljna.

I chose the atomizer with a pink cover on purpose and I will use this bottle to make a yoga mat cleaning spray. this was something I really needed, so I'm very pleased.

Zatim nesto sto mi se jako svidelo, ljubicasta bocica za parfem, preslatka, a dostupna je i u drugim bojama. 

Then something I liked a lot, purple perfume bottle, very cute and available in different colours.

''Perfume to go'' bocica  od 5ml u koju mozete da stavite svoj omiljeni parfem, ne zauzima mnogo mesta pa je mozete nositi sa sobom u tobici.
5 ml ''Perfume to go'' bottle in which you can put your favourite perfume, it doesn't take much space, so you can carry it in your purse.

Ovo je, takodje, nesto sto sam zelela da imam, tako da sam bas zadovoljna.
This is also something I wanted to have, so I'm very happy.

I to su stvari koje sam ja izabrala za sebe sa All In Packaging sajta, plus jedan neseser za giveaway. Jako mi se svidja sve. Prilicno je povoljno i brzo stigne, tako da pogledajte ima li nesto sto bi vama odgovaralo.

Uskoro vas ocekuje i video gde cu vam pokazati sve ove stvari, a ne zaboravite da ce biti i giveaway. :)

These are the things I chose for myself from the All In Packaging site, plus one cosmetic bag for a giveaway.
I really liked everything a lot. It's not expensive and arrives quickly, you should check out the store to see if there's anything you might need or want.

Soon there will be a video, too, in which I will show you the things and don't forget the giveaway, as well. :)