среда, 13. мај 2015.

DIY...Kako da ukrasite ram za sliku /How to decorate a photo frame

Zdravo svima!
Danas zelim da vam pokazem jedan od nacina na koji mozete ukrasiti ram za sliku.
Jedan najobicniji drveni ram koji u knjizari moze da se kupi za 160 din., moze da se pretvori u divan unikatan poklon ili ga mozete ukrasiti za sebe, uklopiti ga u sopsteni enterijer, jednostavno dati mu svoj pecat.:)

Hello everyone!
Today I want to show you one of the ways in which you can decorate a photo frame.
One simple wooden frame, which you can buy for 1,5 euros, can beturned into a beautiful unique gift, or you can decorate it for yourself, make it match your interior, simply give it your own signature. :)

Sta vam sve treba:
Ram, naravno, papir najbolje scrapbook, ili bilo koji u boji,sareni..,imakaze (ili ako imate trimer za papir), obostrano lepljiva traka (ili lepak), olovka i razni ukrasi - dugmici, cvetici, satenska tracica...
Ja sam koristila jednu roze traku, nekoliko roze satenskih cvetica i dva drvena goluba koje sam lepila sa 3d lepljivim sundjercicima (mounting foam)

What will you need:
A frame, of course, scrapbook paper, or any kind of paper, scissors (or paper cutter), doublesided tape (or a glue), a pen and different kind of decorations - buttons, flowers, ribbon...
I used one pink ribon, a few sattin flowers and two wooden doves which I attached using 3D mounting foam

Prvo sam od jednog zelenog papira isekla traku sirine stranica rama koje sam zelela da oblozim papirom.Onda sam papirnu traku okrenula sa druge strane i obelezila olovkom mesto gde je papir trebalo da isecem dijagonalno, kao na slici ispod.

First from one green paper I cut a paper strap as wide as the sides of the photo frame which I wanted to put papers on. Then I turned the paper strap upside down and marked with my pen the place where I needed to cut paper diagonally, like in the picture bellow.

I dobila nesto ovako (slika ispod)
And I got something like this (picture bellow)

Trebao mi je jos jedan isti papir tj traka papira, istih dimeznija za suprotnu stranu rama; bez ikakvog merenja, samo sam koristeci prvu, gotovu traku papira, isekla jos jednu istu ( slika ispod)

I needed another same paper strap, the same dimensions for the opposite side of the frame; without any measuring, just using the first paper starp, I can another one (picture bellow)

Za druge dve strane rama, koje su krace, izabrala sam roze papir sa bez tufnicama i isekla trake na isti nacin. 
Onda je dosao red da papir zalepim na ram. Koristila sam obostrano lepljivu traku, jer je brze, jednostavnije, papir lepo prione za ram, a nema ulepljivanja lepkom.
Papirnu traku sam zalepila sa suprotne strane na obostrano lepljivu traku, makazama odsekla visak oko papira (slika ispod), a onda samo jednostavno zalepila papirne trake na ram.

For the other two sides of the frame, which are shorter, I chose some pink paper with beige dotts and cut the paper straps in the same way.
Then it was time to attach the paper straps onto the frame. I used doublesided tape, because it's faster, easier, paper gets attached very well onto the frame and there's no glue smudges.
First I attached the doublesided tape onto the back of the paper straps and cut the doublesided tape around. (picture bellow), and then I simply attached the pape straps onto the frame.

I dobila ovo (slika ispod).
Sad je ostalo samo da dodam jos par detalja i ram je bio gotov. :)

And I got this (picture bellow)
Then I only needed to add a few details and the frame was done. :)

Kao sto sam vec rekla dodala sam traku, vezala masnu sa jedne strane, a dva drvena goluba dodala sa druge strane. Zalepila sam jos nekoliko cvetica i to je bilo to!

Like I already mentioned, I added a ribbon, tied a bow on one side and added two wooden doves on the other side. I attached a few flowers and that was it!

Nadam se da vam se svideo moj ram, kao i ovaj tutorijal i da vas je inspirisao da probate nesto slicno.

I hope you liked this frame, as well as this tutorial and that it has inspired you to try something similar.

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