петак, 15. мај 2015.

NYX Pump It Up Lip Plumper - ''Angelina'' Recenzija/Review


Danas zelim da podelim sa vama svoje utiske o NYX Pump It Up lip plumper-u, koji sam narucila iz Alexandra pre oko tri meseca.
Dostupan je u devet nijansi i kosta petsto i nesto dinara.  U bocici ima 8ml proizvoda.

Toady I would like to share with you my impressons about NYX Pump It Up lip plumper, which I ordered from Alexandar about three months ago.
It's available in nine different shades and costs over 5 euros. The bottle contains 8ml of the product.

Moj je u broju 01 - Angelina.  Deluje onako bez u bocici, i dosta je sjajan. 
Na usnama i nema neku boju, mozda je u pitanju moj podton,ali sjaj je bas primetan i iskreno kad se pogledam u ogledalu posto ga nanesem, mnogo mi se svidi kako mi usne izgledaju.

Mine is in number 01 - Angelina. It looks beige in the bottle and it's really shiny.
On the lips it doesn't really have any colour, maybe it's because of my lip tone, but the shine is really noticable and honestly I like what my lips look like when I look at the mirror after applying it.

On bi trebalo usne da cini punijim, vizuelno vecim i glatkijim i po mom misljenju ima efekta, ali taj efekat ne traje bas dugo. Posle par sati, verovatno i ranije, moracete da ga nanesete ponovo.
Aplikator je standardan, sjaj je gust i kremast, ali nije lepljiv.
Verovatno znate da vecina lip plumpera pecka, ovaj svakako nije izuzetak i rekla bih da ne pecka vec pece.
Narocito ako se nanese u vecem sloju. Ne boli, ali je neprijatan osecaj, koji traje neko vreme, posle se intenzitet peckanja smanjuje, po mom misljenju kako sjaj spada sa usana.

It should make lips fuller and visually bigger and softener and in my opinion, it does have that effect, but at the same time that effect is not long lasting.After a couple of hours, maybe sooner, you will have to apply it again.
Aplicator is standard, gloss is creamy, thick, but not sticky.
You probably know that most of  lip plumpers tingle, this one is no exception and I would say that it doesn't tingle, it burns.
Especially if you apply it in thick layer. It doesn't hurt, but it's an uncomfortable feling, which lasts for a while, then the intenisty of ''burning'' drops down, in my opinion as the gloss comes off the lips.

Ja sa ovim sjajem generalno imam problem - previse je ''jak'' za moje osetljive usne.

Na stranu cinjenica sto pece i sto efekat ne traje dugo, ne bi mi bio problem naneti ga cesce, ali ovaj lip plumper isusuje usne u tolikoj meri, da su mi se kad sam ga prvi put stavila, posle nekoliko sati i posle skidanja sjaja - izgulile.
Mozda su vec bile slabije hidrirane, ali ipak...to nisam ocekivala.

Mislila sam da sam bacila pare i da cu morati da bacim i njega...
Medjutim dosla sam na ideju pre neki dan da stavim prvo labelo na usne, prekrijem ih lepo, pa onda nanesem lip plumper. To sam i uradila i definitivno je napravilo razliku. 
Ovog puta manje je peklo, mada sam, doduse, stavila u tankom sloju, ali nije mi ni isusio usne, tako da ipak cu moci da ga koristim povremeno.

I have a problem with this lip gloss, it's too strong for my sensitive lips.
Despite the fact that it burns and the effect doesn't last long, I wouldn't mind reapplying it, but it really dries lips a lot, so much that when I put it for the first time, after several hours and after I removed it, my lips -  peeled.
Maybe they weren't hydrated well, but still...I didn't expect that.

I thought that buying it was a mistake and that I just threw away the money, just like I'll have to throw the lip plumper away...
However, some days ago I decided to try it again,but this time to put lip balm on my lips first, cover them well and then lip plumper on top of that. I did it and it definitely made a difference. 
This time it burned less, though I put it in thin layer, but, it did not dry my lips, so I will be able to use it from time to time.

Citah sastav, mada su slova jako sitna i sjajna i ne videh paraben. Ono sto ovaj lip plumper sadrzi je peptid.
Sto se mene tice, ja ga necu ponovo narucivati i ne bih ga preporucila osobama koje imaju osetljive usne.
Ali, ako nemate osetljive usne, ako ste vec imali iskustva sa lip plumperima, a niste bili sigurni da li da narucite ovaj lip plumper, ako vam ne smeta osecaj peckanja na usnama ( cak i na jeziku, ako slucajno liznete usne), onda ga isprobajte. Mozda u ovoj ili nekoj drugoj od preostalih osam nijansi.
Sjaj je zaista jako lep, ima efekta i zao mi je sto ne odgovara mojim usnama...

I read the ingredients, the letters are tiny and shiny, but I didn't see paraben. What this lip gloss contains, though, is peptid.
As for me, I will not order it again and I wouldn't recommend it for people with sensitive lips.
But, if you don't have sensitive lips and especially if you've had experiences with lip plumpers and don't mind taht burning sensation on your lips (and even on the tongue if you lick your lips), then do try it. Maybe in this, or one of the remaining eight shades.
The gloss is really pretty and does have effect and I'm sorry it doesn't suit my lips.

Evo kako izgleda na mojim usnaa. Ja cu ga i sledeci put sigurno naneti preko labela.
This is what it looks like on my lips. I will definitely next time, again, apply it over lip balm.

Kakva su vasa iskustva sa Nyx Pump It Up lip plumer-ima?
Da li biste mogli da mi preporucite neki lip plumper za osetljive usne i bez te senzacije peckanja?

What are your experiences with Nyx Pump It Up lip plumpers?
Could you recommend me a lip plumper for sensitive lips,tingle free?

2 коментара:

  1. Ja ga imam u nijansi Elizabeth, mnogo lepa nijansa. Mislila sam ovih dana da napisem par reci o njemu. Ja ,srecom, nemam mnogo osetljive usne pa mi je ok.

  2. Napisi obavezno! Bas bih volela da procitam jos necije utiske. Meni je i ova nijansa jako lepa, mnogo mi se svidja kako izgleda na usnama, ali, eto, definitivno nije za moje osetljive usne...
    Hvala na komentaru! :)
