субота, 9. април 2016.

YVES ROCHER Huile Sèche Sublimante - Beautifying Dry Oil

Zdravo devojke, 
u danasnjem postu pisem vam svoje utiske o YVES ROCHER Huile Sèche Sublimante - Beautifying Dry Oil - suvom ulju za negu tela.

Hi girls, in today's post I'm writing my impressions about
YVES ROCHER Huile Sèche Sublimante - Beautifying Dry Oil .

U pitanju je suvo ulje za telo. Dolazi u bocici od tvrde plastike zute boje sa sivkastim/bez cepom. Cep se malo teze skida, sto omogucava nosenje ovog ulja i u torbi, bez opasnosti razlivanja istog.
 It's a dry body oil. It comes in a yellow plastic bottle with grey/beige cap. Cap is not as easy taken off, which allows carrying this oil in a handbag without fear of it being spilled inside the bag.

Bocica je sa rasprsivacem i sadrzi 100 ml proizvoda. Zgodna je za koriscenje i omogucava pravilno doziranje kolicine ulja koja se koristi, bez opasnosti prolivanja viska.
The bottle is with an atomizer and contains 100 ml of the product. It's easy to handle and allows that the amount of oil used is under control.

Glavni sastojak Yves Rocher ulja je andiroba ulje koje sadrzi omega 9 masne kiseline, organsko ulje susama.
Sadrzi 99% sastojaka prirodnog porekla.
Ne sadrzi paraben, ne sadrzi konzervanse. Ne sadrzi mineralna ulja.
Kompletan sastav mozete procitati na slici ispod:

The key ingredients of the Yves Rocher oil are - andiroba oil which contains omega - 9 fatty acid, organic sesame seed oil.
It contains 99% of natural ingredients.
It doesn't contain paraben, or perservatives, or mineral oil.
The list of the ingredients can be seen in the picture bellow.

Ovo ulje je za nijansu suvlje od Nuxe suvog ulja koje sam takodje koristila. Koza ga brzo upije i ne ostaje masna, vec mekana, glatka i svilenkasta. Odlicno hidrira, a ja imam suvu kozu, iako preferiram da suva ulja koristim leti.
Ne iritira kozu.

The oil is a bit drier than the Nuxe oil which I also used. It's quickly absorbed and doesn't leave the skin greasy, but soft, smooth and silky. It hydrates well and I have a dry skin, even though I prefer to use these oils during summer. 
It doesn't irritate the skin.

Ulje je skoro providne boje, nije previse tecno, ne razliva se. 
Ima predivan miris koji se dugo zadrzi na kozi.
Potrebna je mala kolicina da bi se namazalo celo telo. Ja ga koristim tako sto prskam u levu ruku malo kolicinu ulja i mazem po telu, na kraju samo prsne u desnu saku i namazem levu ruku.

The oil is almost transparent in colour, it doesn't spill. 
It has a beautiful scent which stays long on the skin.
Very small ammount is needed for the whole body. I use it  so that I spritz some of the oil in my left hand and then apply it over the body and at the end I spray some of the oil in the right hand to apply iton the left arm.

Cena ovog ulja je 16,90 evra, ali cesto moze da se nadje na snizenju. :)
The price of this oil is 16,90 euros, but it can often be found on a  discount.

Recenziju Nuxe carobnog suvog ulja mozete procitati ovde, a uskoro stize uporedna video recenzija ova dva ulja. :)
A review of the Nuxe dry oil you can read here. 

Da li ste koristili Yves Rocher beautifying dry oil i kakvi su vasi utisci?
Have you been using the Yves Rocher beautifying dry oil and what are your impressions?

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