***Kliknite da ucestvujete u mom Aprilskom darivanju! /Click to participate in my April Giveaway!***
Ne znam za vas, ali meni je ovaj mesec bas proleteo! Doduse, ostalo je jos tri dana do kraja apila, kao i do kraja darivanja uostalom, tako da, kliknite na link iznad da ucestvujete, ako jos uvek niste. :)
I don't know about you, but this month has just flown by so quickly! Though, there are three more days left till the end of April, and at the same time till the end of my giveaway, so click on the link above to participate if you haven't already. :)
Ovo su moji favoriti za mesec april.
These are my favourites for April.
Ne znam za vas, ali meni je ovaj mesec bas proleteo! Doduse, ostalo je jos tri dana do kraja apila, kao i do kraja darivanja uostalom, tako da, kliknite na link iznad da ucestvujete, ako jos uvek niste. :)
I don't know about you, but this month has just flown by so quickly! Though, there are three more days left till the end of April, and at the same time till the end of my giveaway, so click on the link above to participate if you haven't already. :)
Ovo su moji favoriti za mesec april.
These are my favourites for April.
Za pocetak sminka. :)
For the start, make up. :)
For the start, make up. :)
1. LUMENE Wild Rose Moist Lipstick SPF 15 Clouds #15.
Nijansa karmina je jako lepa, neka boja breskve, lepo hidrira usne.
...The shade of the lipstick is really nice, some peach colour, it hidrates the lips well.
Nijansa karmina je jako lepa, neka boja breskve, lepo hidrira usne.
...The shade of the lipstick is really nice, some peach colour, it hidrates the lips well.
2. LUMENE Wild Rose Volume Lip Gloss Moisture and Creme (with arctic Rose Hip)#23.
I ovo je neka boja breskve, ali se boja ne primecuje mnogo na usnama. Sjaj je gust, ali nije lepljiv i ja sam ga najcesce koristila u kombinaciji sa ovim karminom. Karmin je davao boju, a sjaj nravno taj dodatni lep sjaj na usnama. Takodje dugo traje./
...This is also some peach colour, but the colour doesn't notice much on the lips. The lip gloss is thick, but not sticky an I mostly used it in combination with the lipstick. The lipstick gave the colour and the lip gloss that aditional shine to my lips. It also lasts long.
I ovo je neka boja breskve, ali se boja ne primecuje mnogo na usnama. Sjaj je gust, ali nije lepljiv i ja sam ga najcesce koristila u kombinaciji sa ovim karminom. Karmin je davao boju, a sjaj nravno taj dodatni lep sjaj na usnama. Takodje dugo traje./
...This is also some peach colour, but the colour doesn't notice much on the lips. The lip gloss is thick, but not sticky an I mostly used it in combination with the lipstick. The lipstick gave the colour and the lip gloss that aditional shine to my lips. It also lasts long.
4. MAYBELLINE Baby Lips Intense Care - ako nista kupila bih ga zbog pakovanja, jer mi se mnogo svidjaju.:) Ali, cinjenica je da odgovaraju mojim usnama.
...if nothing else, I would buy it because of the package, because I like it a lot, but it's the fact that it suits my lips.
...if nothing else, I would buy it because of the package, because I like it a lot, but it's the fact that it suits my lips.
5. LUMENE Blueberry Curl Mascara with Nourishing Arctic Blueberry. Moja je braon/crna. O ovoj maskari sam pisala u ovom postu.
...Mine is brown/black. I wrote about this mascara in this post.
...Mine is brown/black. I wrote about this mascara in this post.
6. . LUMENE Blueberry Long - Wear Crystal Eyeshadow - In The Meadow #22. Senka je lepo pigmentisana, uopste ne morate mnogo da stavite, ne skupi se u jednu crtu posle vise sati, kao sto neke senke imaju obicaj. Ovo je neka srebrnasta nijansa i ja sam bas zadovoljna. Inace ovakva senka u drugoj nijansi ''Frosted Lace'' #20, je deo aprilskog darivanja. :)
... The eye shadow has good pigmentation, so you don't ned to put a lot, it doesn't become one line after hours of wearing it, like some eyeshadow do. This is some silver shade and I'm really satisfied. By the way, this eyeshadow, in different shade ''Frosted Lace'' #20, is part of the April giveaway. :)
... The eye shadow has good pigmentation, so you don't ned to put a lot, it doesn't become one line after hours of wearing it, like some eyeshadow do. This is some silver shade and I'm really satisfied. By the way, this eyeshadow, in different shade ''Frosted Lace'' #20, is part of the April giveaway. :)
7. Aura sjaj za usne (lip gloss) ''Glossy'' #54. Uzela sam ga tek onako, ali mi se mnogo svidja. Jako je lepa bojica, ima sitne sljokice i lep miris. Malo je pakovanje, bas zgodno za nosenje u torbici.
...I took it for no reason, but I like it a lot. It's a nice colour, with small glitter and nice scent. Small packaging, perfect for carrying around in your bag.
...I took it for no reason, but I like it a lot. It's a nice colour, with small glitter and nice scent. Small packaging, perfect for carrying around in your bag.
8. Glorious Cheeks Aura Powder Blush, Coral Crush #210. Ja ovo rumenilo obozavam. Bas da obrazima i licu neku svezinu i redovno ga stavljam.
...I adore this blush. It gives some freshness to your cheeks and face and I use it regularly.
...I adore this blush. It gives some freshness to your cheeks and face and I use it regularly.
9. Pur Désir de Lilas by Yves Rocher. Prolece je, a ja obozavam miris jorgovana, tako da sam ovaj parfem cesto stavljala. Jaci je, dovoljno je staviti sasvim malo, pa da vam ceo dan mirisu procvetali jorgovani. :)
...It's spring and I love the scent of Lilac, so I used this perfume often. It's stronger, so it's enough to put very little, to be able to smell lilacs in bloom all day. :)
...It's spring and I love the scent of Lilac, so I used this perfume often. It's stronger, so it's enough to put very little, to be able to smell lilacs in bloom all day. :)
Komad garderobe koji sam najvise nosila ovog meseca. Obozavam ovaj prsluk! Kupila sam ga pre dve godine za, cini mi se 1600 din. Onda sam kasnije gledala, nije ga bilo.Nedavno je moja drugarica kupila potpuno isti, samo u drugoj boji za 2300. Mnogo mi se svideo i njen, neka bez boja, tako da, cekam snizenje... ;)
The piece of clothes I wore the most this month.I love this west! I bought it a couple of years ago for about 15 euros. Then I later checked, but there wasn't any left. Recently my friend bought exactly the same west, in different colour, for about 20 euros. I like hers a lot too, some beige colour, and I'm waiting for some discunt... :)
The piece of clothes I wore the most this month.I love this west! I bought it a couple of years ago for about 15 euros. Then I later checked, but there wasn't any left. Recently my friend bought exactly the same west, in different colour, for about 20 euros. I like hers a lot too, some beige colour, and I'm waiting for some discunt... :)
Sto se obuce tice, ove ne skidam! :) O slicnim, ljubicastim, istog brenda - Reinos, sam pisala u ovom postu ovde.
As for the shoes, I haven't been taking these off. :) About similar shoes, but purple, from the same brand - Reinos, I wrote in this post here.
As for the shoes, I haven't been taking these off. :) About similar shoes, but purple, from the same brand - Reinos, I wrote in this post here.
I za kraj - knjiga koju sam citala u aprilu - ''Kradljivica knjiga'' Markus Zusak
And finally, the book I've been reading in April - ''The Book Thief'' by Markus Zusak.
Hvala vam sto ste svratili na moj blog. Svi komentari su dobro dosli. :)
Da li se neki od ovih proizvoda nalazi medju vasim favoritima?
Zelim vam uspesnu nedelju! :)
Thank you stopping by at my blog. All the comments are welcome. :)
Are any of these products among your favourites?
I wish you a successful week! :)