понедељак, 27. април 2015.

April Favourites

***Kliknite da ucestvujete u mom Aprilskom darivanju! /Click to participate in my April Giveaway!***


Ne znam za vas, ali meni je ovaj mesec bas proleteo! Doduse, ostalo je jos tri dana do kraja apila, kao i do kraja darivanja uostalom, tako da, kliknite na link iznad da ucestvujete, ako jos uvek niste. :)

I don't know about you, but this month has just flown by so quickly! Though, there are three more days left till the end of April, and at the same time till the end of my giveaway, so click on the link above to participate if you haven't already. :)

Ovo su moji favoriti za mesec april.
These are my favourites for April.


Za pocetak sminka. :)
For the start, make up. :)


1. LUMENE Wild Rose Moist Lipstick SPF 15 Clouds #15.
Nijansa karmina je jako lepa, neka boja breskve, lepo hidrira usne.  
...The shade of the lipstick is really nice, some peach colour, it hidrates the lips well.

2. LUMENE Wild Rose Volume Lip Gloss Moisture and Creme (with arctic Rose Hip)#23.
I ovo je neka boja breskve, ali se boja ne primecuje mnogo na usnama. Sjaj je gust, ali nije lepljiv i ja sam ga najcesce koristila u kombinaciji sa ovim karminom. Karmin je davao boju, a sjaj nravno taj dodatni lep sjaj na usnama. Takodje dugo traje./
...This is also some peach colour, but the colour doesn't notice much on the lips. The lip gloss is thick, but not sticky an I mostly used it in combination with the lipstick. The lipstick gave the colour and the lip gloss that aditional shine to my lips. It also lasts long.


4. MAYBELLINE Baby Lips Intense Care - ako nista kupila bih ga zbog pakovanja, jer mi se mnogo svidjaju.:) Ali, cinjenica je da odgovaraju mojim usnama.
...if nothing else, I would buy it because of the package, because I like it a lot, but it's the fact that it suits my lips.


5. LUMENE Blueberry Curl Mascara with Nourishing Arctic Blueberry. Moja je braon/crna. O ovoj maskari sam pisala u ovom postu.
...Mine is brown/black. I wrote about this mascara in this post.

6. . LUMENE Blueberry Long - Wear Crystal Eyeshadow - In The Meadow #22. Senka je lepo pigmentisana, uopste ne morate mnogo da stavite, ne skupi se u jednu crtu posle vise sati, kao sto neke senke imaju obicaj. Ovo je neka srebrnasta nijansa i ja sam bas zadovoljna. Inace ovakva senka u drugoj nijansi ''Frosted Lace'' #20, je deo aprilskog darivanja. :)
... The eye shadow has good pigmentation, so you don't ned to put a lot, it doesn't become one line after hours of wearing it, like some eyeshadow do. This is some silver shade and I'm really satisfied. By the way, this eyeshadow, in different shade ''Frosted Lace'' #20, is part of the April giveaway. :)


7. Aura sjaj za usne (lip gloss) ''Glossy'' #54. Uzela sam ga tek onako, ali mi se mnogo svidja. Jako je lepa bojica, ima sitne sljokice i lep miris. Malo je pakovanje, bas zgodno za nosenje u torbici.
...I took it for no reason, but I like it a lot. It's a nice colour, with small glitter and nice scent. Small packaging, perfect for carrying around in your bag.

8. Glorious Cheeks Aura Powder Blush, Coral Crush #210. Ja ovo rumenilo obozavam. Bas da obrazima i licu neku svezinu i redovno ga stavljam.
...I adore this blush. It gives some freshness to your cheeks and face and I use it regularly.

9. Pur Désir de Lilas by Yves Rocher. Prolece je, a ja obozavam miris jorgovana, tako da sam ovaj parfem cesto stavljala. Jaci je, dovoljno je staviti sasvim malo, pa da vam ceo dan mirisu procvetali jorgovani. :)
...It's spring and I love the scent of Lilac, so I used this perfume often. It's stronger, so it's enough to put very little, to be able to smell lilacs in bloom all day. :)

Komad garderobe koji sam najvise nosila ovog meseca. Obozavam ovaj prsluk! Kupila sam ga pre dve godine za, cini mi se 1600 din. Onda sam kasnije gledala, nije ga bilo.Nedavno je moja drugarica kupila potpuno isti, samo u drugoj boji za 2300. Mnogo mi se svideo i njen, neka bez boja, tako da, cekam snizenje... ;)

The piece of clothes I wore the most this month.I love this west! I bought it   a couple of years ago for about 15 euros. Then I later checked, but there wasn't any left. Recently my friend bought exactly the same west, in different colour, for about 20 euros. I like hers a lot too, some beige colour, and I'm waiting for some discunt... :)

Sto se obuce tice, ove ne skidam! :) O slicnim, ljubicastim, istog brenda - Reinos, sam pisala u ovom postu ovde.

As for the shoes, I haven't been taking these off. :) About similar shoes, but purple, from the same brand - Reinos, I wrote in this post  here.

I za kraj - knjiga koju sam citala u aprilu - ''Kradljivica knjiga'' Markus Zusak
And finally, the book I've been reading in April - ''The Book Thief'' by Markus Zusak.

Hvala vam sto ste svratili na moj blog. Svi komentari su dobro dosli. :)
Da li se neki od ovih proizvoda nalazi medju vasim favoritima?
Zelim vam uspesnu nedelju! :)

Thank you stopping by at my blog. All the comments are welcome. :)
Are any of these products among your favourites?
I wish you a successful week! :)

петак, 24. април 2015.


***Kliknite da ucestvujete u mom Aprilskom darivanju! /Click to participate in my April Giveaway!***

Zdravo svima!
Danas pritiskamo replay i vracamo se u proslost!
 Pravo u 1998. godinu, kada sam dobila ovu kasetu na poklon od sestre. :)

Hello everyone!
Today we press ''replay'' and go back to past!
Streight back to 1998, when I got this tape as a gift from my sister. :)

Malo je reci da sam bila odusevljena! Bilo je to vreme ''Titanika'' i ja sam naravno ovu kasetu Celine Dion zelela zbog pesme ''My Heart Will Go On''. Koliko sam samo dugo tu pesmu ''lovila'' na TV, ne bih li je snimila na jednu VHS kasetu koja je bila rezervisana za muziku. Nekako bih uvek propustila pocetak pesme i to me je jako nerviralo, ili dok ja ukljucim REC., pa dok video krene...joj, muke...Ali, slatke muke, sad kad se setim...
Elem, na toj kaseti je bilo jos divnih pesama, a jedna, koja mi je sad mozda i najdraza, je i ''Immortality''. 
Tu pesmu su specijalno za Celine Dion komponovali i sa njom otpevali Barry, Robin i Maurice Gibb, tri brata koji su cinili poznatu grupu ''Bee Gees''.

It's little to say that I was delighted! It was the time of ''Titanic'' and I wanted this tape, of course, because of ''My Heart Will Go On'' song. Just how long I ''hunted'' for this song on TV, to tape it on a VHS tape that was reserved only for music. I would somehow always miss the beginning of the song and that annoyed me awfully, or while I press REC., and while the VCR starts going...oh, what troubles...but, sweet troubles, it seems to me now...
Anyhow, that tape contained more than one beautiful songs and one, maybe the deerest one now, is ''Immortality''. That song was specially composed  for Celine Dion by Barry, Robin i Maurice Gibb,three brother who were known as the famous band ''Bee Gees''.

Video za ovu pesmu je takodje divan.
Dok se prisecamo nekih lepih, proslih vremena i radujemo se nekim novim, buducim, uzivajmo u ovoj prelepoj pesmi! :)

The video for this song is also wonderful.
While we remember some good old times and look forward to some new, future ones, let us enjoy in this beautiful song! :)

Zelim vam lep vikend!

I wish you a nice weekend!

среда, 22. април 2015.

New In...April #2

Evo jos nekih stvarcica koje sam kupila prosle sedmice, vecinu u Lilly-ju.

Here are some more things I bought last week in Lilly drugstore.

Sixteen lakovi su na akciji u Lilly-ju, 1+ poklon, tako da nisam mogla da odolim. Izabrala sam ovu nezno plavu nijansu 463, a sa njom je isla ova indigo plava 560, tako da sam dva dobila za 229 din.
Aurin lak sam uzela jer ovakvu nijansu roze nemam, 64 Pink Weekend, kosta u Lilly-ju 165 din. I vec sam za vikend nalakirala nokte na nogama ovom bojom i mnogo mi se svidja. Moram da kazem da je jedan od razloga i bio taj sto su mi nokti na rukama u roze i zelenoj boji, a roze je otprilike kao nijansa ovog laka.

Sixteen nail polishes were on an a sale in Lilly - 1+gift, so I couldn't resist. I picked this baby blue shade 463 and with it there was this indigo blue shade 560, so I got two for about 2 euros.
I bought Aura nail polish, because it's a shade of pink that I don't have, 64 Pink Weekend, it costs about 1,5 euros in Lilly. And I already used it for my toe nails over the weekend and I like it a lot. I must say that one of the reasons was also that nails on my hands are in pink and green at the moment, with pink being very similr to the shade of the nail polish.

Ostala sam bez labela...Tako da sam uzela dva.  Maybelline Baby Lips - Peach Kiss. Kao sto sam vec ranije rekla, ja ih bas volim i zao mi je sto prosli put nisam uzela dva tri, jer su bili na snizenju, sad su 249 din..Ovo plavo Classic Care labelo je za mene stvarno klasik i nesto mi je kao Nivea, skoro uvek ga imam i uvek mu se vracam. Kosta 179 din i oba sam takodje kupila u Lilly-ju.

I was left with no lip balm...So, I got two. Maybelline Baby Lips - Peach Kiss. Like I said earlier, I relly like them and I'm sorry I didn't buy two or three last time, as they were on a discount, now they are about 2 euros. This blue Classic Care lip balm for me is really a classic and it's something like with Nivea, I almost always have it and I always get back to it. It costs about 1,5 euros and I bought both in Lilly.

I Nivea bez koje ja ne mogu, Nivea Soft koju koristim za sve, kostala je preko 500 din. Bila je greska kupiti je u Lilly-ju, greska koju uvek ponavljam, jer moze da se nadje i jeftinije. Zatim i moj omiljeni Nivea mlecni sapun, sapun za suvu kozu. Odlican je i kosta 143 din u Lilly-ju.

And Nivea which I can't be without, Nivea Soft, costs a little under 5 euros. It was a mistake to buy it in Lilly, because you can get it cheaper elsewhere. Then there's my favourite Nivea milky soap, for dry skin. It's perfect and costs a little over 1 euro in Lilly.

I za kraj nesto sto nisam kupila u Lilly-ju, donji deo pizame. Domace proizvodnje 96% pamuk. Pizama je kostala 1199 din.

And finally, something I didn't buy in Lilly, bottom part of pyjamas. Made here, 96% cotton. The pyjamas were about 10 euros.

 Da li vi koristite neke od ovih proizvoda i sta ste najvise kupovali ovog meseca?
Are you using any of these products and  and what kind of things have you been mostly buying this month?

понедељак, 20. април 2015.

Recommend me a ...Book :)

***Kliknite da ucestvujete u mom Aprilskom darivanju! /Click to participate in my April Giveaway!***


Koju knjigu citate trenutno?

Ja mnogo volim da citam! 
Zadnjih par godina, doduse, imala sam manje vremena za citanje knjiga, ali ranije sam citala bas puno. Krenula sam sa knjigama Dzejn Ostin jos u Osnovnoj skoli (zahvaljujuci cuvenoj BBC-jevoj mini seriji Gordost i Predrasude iz 1996. koju sam gledala milion puta), pa sestrama Bronte (obozavam Orkanske Visove), onda sam iscitala brojne klasike, kao sto su: Prohujalo sa vihorom, Dama s kamelijama, Doktor Zivago, Drakula...Pa onda savremena literatura, dela Dena Brauna, Izabel Aljende, Trejsi Sevalije...Uvek nesto citam, ali, citam sporo, nekako volim da u glavi stvorim sliku svega sto se desava u knjizi i ne zurim.
Which book are you reading at the moment?

I love to read!
For the last two years, though, I haven't had as much time for reading as earlier when I read a lot.
I started with Jane Austen books in Primary school (thanks to the BBC mini series Pride and Prejudice which I've seen million times), then with the Bronte sisters ( I love Wuthering Heights), then I read many classics, such as: Gone with the Wind, The Lady of the Camellias, Doctor Zhivago, Dracula...
Then modern literature, Dan Brown books, Isabel Allende, Tracy Chevalier...I'm always reading something, but, I read slowly, I like to imagine the scenes from the book and I don't rush.

Danas zelim da vam preporucim tri knjige, sve tri su ujedno i moji favoriti za 2014. godinu, a dve od njih sam procitala dvaput ( tj, jednu citam po drugi put uporedo sa jos jednom knjigom).
Today I'd like to recommend you thre books, all are, at the same time, my favourites for 2014th and two of them I've read twice ( I'm reading one of them now along with another book).

Bez nekog odredjenog reda, evo prve knjige. To je Lujza Hej - ''Moc je u vama''. Ja sam sasvim slucajno otkrila Lujzu Hej, dok sam prosle godine gledala jednu emisiju na TV. Zaintrigirala me je prica, potrazila sam knjigu na internetu i narucila je. Knjiga je zaista dobra i verujem da moze da svakom promeni zivot nabolje, ali je bitno pridrzavati se odredjenih stvari svakog dana, ne samo u toku citanja knjige...
Jedna recenica sa pozadine knjige: ''Lujza nas podstice da mislimo svojim glavama na pozitivan nacin - sta da radimo, ne sta da ne radimo, sta znamo, ne sta ne znamo; sta smo, ne sta nismo.''

Without a special order, here is the first book. It's Louise Hay - ''The Power is Within You''. I discovered Louisa by accident, last year while watching some TV program, I got intrigued, searched for the book on the net and ordered it. The book is really good and I believe  that it can change everyone's life for the better, but it's important to follow some things on the daily basis, not only while reading the book...
One sentence from the backcover, I will translate: ''Lousie inspires us to think with our heads in positive way- what to do, not what not to do, what we know, not what we don't know; what we are, not what we ar not.''

Druga knjiga, knjiga koja me je odusevila - Artur Golden - ''Memoari jedne Gejse''. Tu knjigu sam prvi put procitala 2006., zajedno sa sestrom, toliko me je opcinila, prica, stil...toliko, da sam morala da je procitam jos jednom, a u medjuvremenu sam i par puta odgledala film. Ako jos uvek niste procitali ''Memoare jedne Gejse'', onda vam iskreno preporucujem da to bude sledeca knjiga koju cete citati. :)
To je knjiga o gejsi, o njenom zivotu, detinjstvu, mladosti, njenim iskusenjima, patnjama, sreci...Od detaljno opisanih kimona i nacina na koji se Gejse sminkaju, oblace, uce da igraju, sipaju sake...do neverovatne ljubavne price, izdaje...Kroz knjigu upoznajete jedan nov, dalek svet, knjiga odise setom i neverovatnom lepotom.

The second book which delighted me - Arthur Golden - ''Memoirs of a Geisha''. I read that book for the firt time in 2006, with my sister and then I had to read it again nd in the meantime I watched the movie a couple of times. If you still haven't read ''Memoirs of a Geisha'', then I sincerely recommend that you read this book next. :)
It's a book about Geisha, her life, childhood, youth, her temptations, sufferings, happiness...From the in detail described kimonos, ways in which Geisha's put make up, dress, learn to dance, serve sake...to an amazing love story, betrayel...Through this book you get to know a new, distant world, the book has a melanholic atmosphere and an amazing beauty.

I za kraj, knjiga koja je isla sa mnom na letovanje prosle godine, jos jedna u nizu knjiga Izabel Aljende koju sam procitala i koja mi se mnogo, mnogo svidela - ''Ostrvo ispod mora''
Knjige Izabel Aljende imaju tu neku caroliju i prepune su neverovatnih, zanimljivih likova. Jednom sam negde procitala komentar u vezi sa njenim knjigama koji je isao otprilike ovako, parafraziram: '' Nebitno da li su u pitanju glavni likovi, ili sporedni koji se mozda tek nekoliko puta pojavljuju, svaki lik u knjigama Izabel Aljende je malo remek delo.''
A na pozadini knjige pise: ''Plesi, plesi Sarite, jer je rob koji plese slobodan...dok god plese...''

And last, a book that went on a summer vacation with me last year, another Isabel Allende book of many I've read and I liked it a lot. - ''The Island Beneath the Sea''.
Isabel Allende books have this magic and are full of incredible, interesting characters. Once I read a comment somewhere about her books and the comment went something like this: ''It doesn't matter if it's the leading character, or a character that appears a couple of times, every character in Isabel Allende books is a masterpiece on it's own''.
And on the backcover it says - I will translate: ''Dance,dance Sarite, because a slave that dances is free...until he dances...''

Nadam se da su vam se svideli moji danasnji predlozi!
Jeste li procitali neku od ovih knjiga? Kako vam se svidela? 
Imate li vi neku preporuku za mene?

I hope you liked some of my today's recommendations!
Have you read any of these books? How did you like them?
Do you have a recommendation for me?

петак, 17. април 2015.

New In...April #1 :)

***Kliknite da ucestvujete u mom Aprilskom darivanju! /Click to participate in my April Giveaway!***


Zdravo svima!
Evo sta mi je Uskrsnji zeka doneo! ;) Salim se, ovo su stvarcice koje sam kupila ili dobila u zadnjih mesec dana. Neke vec uveliko koristim, pa ce se naci i u ovomesecnim favoritima, neke od proizvoda sam ostavila za darivanja, a neke jos uvek nisam isprobala. :)

Hello everyone!
Look what Easter bunny brought me! :) I'm kidding, these are the things I bought or received in the last month. Some of them I'm using already so they will also be seen in my favourites post for this month, and some of the products I put aside for giveaways, while some I haven't tried out yet. :)

Najveci deo proizvoda je LUMENE:
1. Sedam karmina- LUMENE Wild Rose Moist Lipstick SPF 15 (to su na slici gore ovi crveni): 10 Nights, 15 Clouds (vec koristim i odusevljena sam bojom, o ovom karminu vise u jednom od narednih postova), 61 Berries (takodje sam koristila dva puta), 82 Beach Life, 85 Silence i 86 Midsummer (jos neotvoreni) i jedan, vise se ne secam koji broj, poklonila sam ga sestri.

2. LUMENE Natural Code Smile Booster lipstick - 14 Pure red (probala sam ga) to je ovaj u crnom pakovanju

3. LUMENE Wild Rose Volume Lip Gloss Moisture and  Creme (with arctic Rose Hip) - 23 i 27 (23 sam prvi put probala, jako je lepa nijansa boje breskve, a 27 mi je vec trece pakovanje po redu :) Obozavam ove sjajeve, kremasti, a nisu lepljivi i bas prijaju mojim usnama.

4.LUMENE Lingonberry Lasting Lip Stain and Balm (sa jedne strane kao marker, sa druge balzam)

5. LUMENE Lingonberry Lip Laquer - 7 i 4 ( 4 je deo aprilskog giveaway -a :))

6. LUMENE Blueberry Long - Wear Crystal Eyeshadow - 22 In The Meadow i 20 Frosted Forest ( 20 je takodje deo aprilskog giveaway-a)

7. MAYBELLINE Baby Lips Intense Care (ja ih bas volim)

Most of the products are LUMENE
1. Seven lipsticks - LUMENE Wild Rose Moist Lipstick SPF 15 ( the red ones in the picture above): 10 Nights, 15 Clouds (I'm using this one already and I'm delighted, I'll write more about it in one of the future posts), 61 Berries ( I also used twice), 82 Beach Life, 85 Silence i 86 Midsummer ( still unopen)  and one I gave to my sister, I don't remember it's number anymore.

2. LUMENE Natural Code Smile Booster lipstick - 14 Pure red ( I've tried it) It's the one in black packaging

3. LUMENE Wild Rose Volume Lip Gloss Moisture and  Creme (with arctic Rose Hip) - 23 i 27 (23 I tried for the first time, it's a really nice peach shade and number 27 is my third package already :)
I love these lip glosses, they are creamy, but not sticky and really good for my lips.

4.LUMENE Lingonberry Lasting Lip Stain and Balm (like a marker on one side and balm on the other)
5. LUMENE Lingonberry Lip Laquer - 7 i 4 ( 4 is part of the April Giveaway :))
6. LUMENE Blueberry Long - Wear Crystal Eyeshadow - 22 In The Meadow i 20 Frosted Forest ( 20 is also part of the April Giveaway :))
7. MAYBELLINE Baby Lips Intense Care ( I love them)
8. AURA - The Strong Hardener Base Coat
9. AURA Jelly Top Coat

Bas se spremam da probam oba. :)
I'm going to try both soon. :)

10. Ines srca moga od Izabel Aljende
Odavno sam planirala da kupim ovu knjigu, ali nekako uvek mi je izmicala, ili narucim nesto drugo ili...medjutim, ovog puta vidim je na trafici i kupim za svega 299 din. :)

Da li ju je neko citao? Kakvi su utisci?

10. Ines del  Alma Mia (Ines of my Soul) by Isabel Allende
I've been meaning to buy this book for a long time, but it somehow always slipped out of my hands, I'd either order something else, or...however, this time I saw it on the newspaper stand and bot it for only 2,5 euros. :)

Has anyone read it? What are your impressions?

Da li ste vi isprobali neke od ovih stvarcica? Kakvi su vasi utisci?
Lep vikend vam zelim! :)

Have you tried any of these products? What are your impressions?
Have a nice weekend! :)

среда, 15. април 2015.

Recenzija/Review...LUMENE Blueberry Curl maskara (mascara)

***Kliknite da ucestvujete u mom Aprilskom darivanju! /Click to participate in my April Giveaway!***



Evo odlucila sam da napisem svoje utiske o trenutno mojoj omiljenoj maskari koju koristim vec dve godine.
 To je LUMENE Blueberry Curl Mascara with Nourishing Arctic Blueberry.

Lumene kozmeticka kuca je iz Finske, osnovana jos 1948. godine, nalazi se u gradu Espo. 
Njihovi proizvodi sadrze sastojke arktickih bobica, koje hiljadama godina odolevaju surovoj arktickoj klimi, ledenim zimama i ostrim letima. Te divlje bobice bogate su prirodnim antioksidantima i vitaminima, a prirodni antioksidanti stite kozu od preranog starenja izazvanog stetnim UV zracima.

I've decided to write my impressions about my currently favourite mascara, which I've been using for two years.
It's LUMENE Blueberry Curl Mascara with Nourishing Arctic Blueberry

Lumene cosmetic brand is from Finalnd, founded in 1948, located in the town of Espoo.
Their products contain ingrediants of arctic berries, which have been surviving in the wild arctic climate, freezing winters and cold summers, for thousand of years. Those wild berries are rich in natural antioxidans and vitamins and those antioxidants protect skin from premature aging caused by UV - lights.

LUMENE Blueberry Curl Mascara with Nourishing Arctic Blueberry -
Sadrzi sastojke artkticke borovnice koja hrani trepavice, cini ih zdravim i jakim.
Pakovanje je tamno plave, indigo boje, ali sa nekim lepim metalik odsjajem. Pakovanje je od 7ml.

LUMENE Blueberry Curl Mascara with Nourishing Arctic Blueberry -
Contains ingredients of arctic blueberry, which ''feeds'' the lashes, to keep them healthy and strong.
Packaging is in dark blue colour ( indigo) with pretty metallic shine. The package contains 7ml of mascara.

Ono sto mi se najvise svidja kod ove maskare je to sto lepo rasceslja trepavice, uvije ih i produzi, pa izgledaju lepo i uredno.

Druga dobra stvar kod ove maskare je ta sto ne stvara grudvice, niti se kruni ili razmazuje.
Cetkica je plasticna, fleksibilna, srednje duzine, dlacice su razredjene, tanje i krace, maskara se jako lako nanosi, trepavice se ne lepe, nemate onaj osecaj vlaznih trepavica kad nanesete maskaru.

What I like most about this mascara is that it separates the lashes evenly, it curls and prolongues them, so they look nice and tidy.

Other good thing with this mascara is that it does NOT make clumps, or smudges.
The brush is plastic and flexible, of a medium length, with thinner and shorter bristles, so mascara is easily applied, lashes are not sticky, you don't get that feeling of wet lashes after applying this mascara.

Nije vodootporna, ne skida narocito tesko (moze da se skine i sapunicom i vodom) i sto je najbitnije stoji ceo dan, bez razmazivanja, - provereno ne mrda ni na -15C ni na +40C!!

Ja sam jednom prilikom, davno, imala jedno ruzno iskustvo sa nekom drugom maskarom,  kada su mi se trepavice na jako hladnom vremenu ''preslikale'' na predeo ispod ociju, od tad pazljivo biram maskare, ali sa ovom takvih problema nema.

It's not waterproof, or very difficult to remove (you can even rinse it with soap and water) but the most important thing is that it lasts for the whole day, without smudging - tested - it stays the same at -15C and also at +40C!!

At some point, long time ago, with some other mascara, I had an unpleasant experience where on a very cold day my lashes ''transferred'' under my eyes, I've been careful with choosing mascaras ever since, but with this mascara I don't have that kind of problems.

Nije maskara za volumen, mada je izasla i jos jedna Blueberry Volume maskara, koju planiram da nabavim, tako da ako volite onaj ''dramatican'' izgled ociju, to sa ovom maskarom najverovatnije necete postici, sto mozda ovu maskaru na neki nacin cini ''dnevnom'', ne za vecernje izlaske, mada ja je koristim u svim prilikama.

It's not a volume mascara, though there is this other Blueberry Volume mascara which I plan to get, so if you like that ''dramatic'' look on your eyes, with this mascara you most probably won't be able to achieve it, which maybe makes this mascara a ''daily'' mascara, not for evening going outs, though I use it in all occassions.

Jos jedna mala cinjenica, ja ne korisitm crne maskare, jer mislim da crne maskare cine da mi oci deluju jos tamnije, mada mozda i gresim, tako da je i ova maskara koju imam braon/crna. Crna ce definitivno vise istaci vase trepavice. 
Ja je obicno nanesem samo u jednom sloju, ponekad u dva. Na prvoj slici jedan sloj, na drugoj dva.

Another little fact, I don't use black mascaras, because I think that they make my eyes look even darker, though I might be wrong, so this mascara I own is brown/black. Black would definitely point out your lashes more. 
I usually apply only one coat, sometimes, two. In the first picture one coat, in the second, two.

Ova maskara, nazalost ne moze da se kupi kod nas. U prodavnicama kosta uglavnom 14,90 evra, ali moze da se naruci za otprilike 10 evra.
This mascara costs usually 14,90 euros in stores, but it can be ordered online for a little less, like 10 euros.

Cisto poredjenja radi, probala sam jos jednu  Lumene maskaru True Natural Volume Maskara i  sa tom maskarom nisam bila ni upola toliko zadovoljna kao sa Blueberry Curl Maskarom.

Just to compare, I have tried another Lumene mascara - True Natural Volume Mascara and I wasn't half as pleased with that one, as I'm with the Blueberry Curl Mascara.

LUMENE  http://www.lumene.com/

понедељак, 13. април 2015.

Yummy Food...Gingersnap cookies / Kolutici od djumbira

***Kliknite da ucestvujete u mom Aprilskom darivanju! /Click to participate in my April Giveaway!***

Nadam se da ste proveli lepo vikend i da ste uzivali u toplom vremenu. Srecan Uskrs,svima vama koji ste proslavlajli juce, Hristos Vaskrse!

Danas cu sa vama podeliti recept za jako ukusne kolace tj kolutice od djumbira. To nisu cuveni  ''Gingerbreads'' koji se prave u decembru, vec nesto slicnije cajnim kolacicima, koji su hrskavi inace, ali se tope kada se umoce u caj, mleko...:)

I hope you've had a nice weekend and that you enjoyed the warm weather. Happy Easter to all of you who celebrated it yesterday.

Today I'm going to share with you a recipe for very tasty Gingersnap cookies. Those are not Gingerbreads made in December, but something similar to ''tea cookies'', crispy, but they melt if you dip them into tea, or milk... :)

100g margarina ili putera
1 jaje
1 solja (za belu kafu) secera (od toga jedna polovina ide u smesu, a druga za valjanje loptica)
4  supene kasike meda ( ili nekog domaceg sirupa, sto gusci, to bolje)
1 supena kasika djumbira (zacina)
 1 kesica vanilin secera
1 kafena kasicica cimeta
1 1/2 kafena kasicica sode bikarbone
2 solje brasna
prstohvat soli
oko 100g secera u prahu (ne ide u smesu)

100g of margarine or butter
1 egg
1 cup sugar (one half of it goes into the dough, the other half is for rolling in the balls)
4 tablespoons of honey, or molasses
1 tablespoon of ground ginger
1 pack of vanilla sugar
1 teaspoon of cinnamon
1 1/2 teaspoon of baking soda
2 cups of flour
a pinch of salt
about a 100g powdered sugar ( not for the dough)

Umutite secer i margarin ( puter), dodajte jedno jaje, med ( ili sirup) i umutite da se masa sjedini. Dodajte vanilin secer, djumbir, cimet, so, na kraju sodu bikarbonu i brasno. Sad mozete zamesiti teso rukom. Testo je prilicno lepljivo i mekano, stavite ga u samolepljivu foliju ili kesu za zamrzivac i  u frizider, na minimum 40-ak minuta, a mozete ga ostaviti i duze, cak i preko noci. Ja sam ga drazala oko sat vremena.

Mix sugar and margarine (butter), add one egg, honey (or molasses) and mix until combined well. Then add vanilla sugar, ginger, cinnamon, salt and at the end baking soda and flour. Now you can kneed the dough by hand. The dough is pretty sticky and soft, put it into a plastic freezer bag or  clear foil and refrigerate for at least 40 mins and you can leave it longer, even over night. I kept it in the fridge for about an hour.

Kad izvadite testo iz frizidera, od njega pravite loptice, precnika oko 2,5cm. Testo ce biti stegnuto i mnogo lakse za oblikovanje loptica. Svaku lopticu uvaljajte u secer (kristal secer) i redjajte u pleh oblozen papirom za pecenje.  Obavezno ostavite prostora izmedju loptica.

When you take the dough out of the fridge, you use it to make small balls, about 2,5cm diameter. The dough will be stiff and much easier to work with and make balls. Each ball should be rolled into sugar and then placed into the pan with baking paper. Make sure to leave some space inbetween the balls.

Sledeci korak je da nadjete solju ili casu sa potpuno ravnim dnom, ''umocite'' dno u prah secer i pritisnete/spljostite svaku lopticu. Umocite dno case u secer u prahu za svaku lopticu, u protivnom ce vam se loptice lepiti za dno case.

Next step is to find a cup or a glass with completely flat bottom and then ''dip'' the bottom into powdered sugar and press it onto each of the balls. Dip the glass bottom into powdered sugar for every ball, otherwise the balls will stick onto the bottom of a glass.

Pecite u zagrejanoj rerni, na 200C oko 15 min, dok kolutici ne dobiju braonkastu boju.
Bake on 200C in preheated oven for about 15 mins, or until brownish.

Kolutici su jako ukusni, od ove smese dobije se od 25-30. Uvek mozete duplirati meru.
The snaps are really tasty and this dough makes about 25-30 balls. You can always double the recipe.

Bon Appétit ! :)

петак, 10. април 2015.

April Giveaway / Aprilsko darivanje!!!

Zdravo svima!

April je divan mesec! Tu je Uskrs, pa onda neki rodjendani...;)  
A Mug of Cocoa takodje od juce ima i svoju facebook stranu  - A Mug of Cocoa ( da, pozivam vas da je lajkujete, hvala! :) ) Mnogo povoda za moje prvo darivanje na blogu!
Jos uvek nisam odlucila da li ce darivanje ici svakog meseca, ali jedno je sigurno - bice ih jos! 

Hello everyone!
April is a wonderful month! There's Easter and then some Birthdays... ;)
A Mug of Cocoa also has it's facebook page as of yesterday - A Mug of Cocoa( yes, I invite you to like it, thank you! :) )
A lot of reasons for my first giveaway on the blo!
I still haven't decided if the giveaways will be posted every month, but one thing is certain - there will be more!


A evo kakav pokloncic sam pripremila, tj. sta mozete da osvojite:
And here is a small gift I put together, the giveaway:

1. LUMENE Lingonberry Lip Lacquer with Arctic Lingonberry no.4  - Paraben FREE -( imam isti samo u drugoj nijansi)
2. LUMENE Blueberry Long - Wear Crystal Eyeshadow (senka) - no. 20 - Frosted Forest ( takodje imam u drugoj nijansi)
3. AURA She Bunny nailpolish/lak za nokte - no 146

Lumene je kozmetika iz Finske, nazalost nema je u Srbiji, ali ja mislim da je ima u Crnoj Gori. Ja je koristim vec par godina i neke proizvode obozavam.  Bice vise postova o njoj, recenzija proizvoda i sl...:)

Ostavite komentar ispod ovog posta! I to je to.
Za duplu sansu postanite pratilac mog bloga, a onda ostavite jos jedan komentar.
Darivanje traje do kraja meseca, 30. aprila.

Medjutim, to nije sve! 
Ako lajkujete moju facebook stranu A Mug of Cocoa, vase sanse za pobedu se uvecavaju, ostavite i treci komentar ispod ovog posta i srecno!

Leave a comment under this post. And that's it.
For another chance to win this gift, start following my blog an leave another comment.
Giveaway ends at the end of Month, April 30th.

But, that is not all!
If you like my facebook page - A Mug of Cocoa, your chances to win increese, leave the third commenunder this post and good luck!

среда, 8. април 2015.

DIY...Uskrsnje korpice od papira/Easter Paper Baskets

Zdravo svima!

Danas je trebalo da pisem ''Recommend me a...'' post, ali sam odlucila da taj post ostavim za sledecu nedelju i umesto toga objavim jedan tutorijal. 
Evo jednog od nacina na koji mozete napraviti lepe Uskrsnje korpice od papira. :)

Hello everyone!
Today I should have written ''Recommend me a..'' post, but I've decided to leave that post for next week and publish a tutorial instead.
Here is one of the ways in which you can make pretty paper Easter Baskets. :)

 Ja sam napravila dve, u razlicitim bojama i sa razlicitim dekoracijama, ali princip je isti. Za pocetak treba vam jedan papir ili tanji karton, nije bitno koje boje, jer uvek mozete da ga ukrasite. 
Moji papiri su bili dimenzija 20cmx20cm, ali vi mozete sami da odlucite, u zavisnosti od toga da li zelite manju ili vecu korpicu, a takodje i zavisno od toga kakav papir imate. Ja sam koristila papir za cestitke i scrapbook, jedan je cak dvostrani ( ima sare sa obe strane).
Dakle, pocecete tako sto cete papir saviti. Ja sam odmerila po 6cm od oba kraja i povukla uspravne linije ( dobro je ako imate scoring board, ali ne morate uopste biti posebno precizni, cak i bez lenjira mozete napraviti korpice). Zatim sam okrenula papir za 90 stepeni i uradila isto, povukla uspravne linije na 6cm od oba kraja papira ( mozete blago povuci linije olovkom i posle izbrisati).To mi je ostavilo sirinu od 8cm u sredini, to ce mi biti baza, a kvadrat u samom centru papira - dno korpice.

I made two, in different colours and with different decorations, but in the same way. For the start you'll need a paper or cardstock, it doesn't matter in which colour, because you can always decorate it.
My papers were 20cmx20cm, but you can decide on your own, depending on whether you want a smaller or a bigger basket and what kind of paper you have.I used designer paper for cards and scrapbook, one doublesided.
So, you will start with folding the paper. I measured 6cm from both sides and drew two lines ( it's good if you have a scoring board, but you don't even need to be very precise, even without a ruller, you can make these baskets). Then I turned the paper for 90 degrees and did the same, I drew two lines 6cm from both sides ( you can use a pen and then erase it). That left me the width of 8cm in the middle, which was going to be the base, a square in the middle of the paper - a bottom of the basket.

Zatim je red dosao na makaze. Prvo sam isekla papir po linijama na dve suprotne strane, ali samo do srednjeg kvadrata. Takodje sam isekla i male pravougaonike 6cmx8cm, da ukrasim unutrasnjost korpice, jer je druga strana papira bela. Te pravougaonike sam zalepila obostrano lepljivom trakom na cetiri pravougaonika, kao na slici dole. Mozete leipiti lepkom.

Then it's time to use scissors. First I cut the paper on the lines on two oposite sides, but only till the middle square.I also cut smaller rectangles 6cmx8cm, to decorate the inside of the basket, because the other side of the paper was white.Those rectangles I attached with doublesided tape on four rectangles like in the photo bellow. You can use glue, too.

Zatim se sastavljju strane. Srednja dva pravougaonika, gde smo napravili proreze, ''podizemo'' i stavljamo malo obostrano lepljive trake sa spoljne strane.Zatim preko tog pravougaonika spajamo bocne dve strane papira, ali tako da se samo vrhovi papira preklope, da bi se korpica lepo sirila. I tu mozemo koristiti obostrano lepljivu traku.

Then it's time to put the sides together. Two middle rectangles, where we made the cuts, we ''lift up'' and put some doublesided tape or glue from the outside. Then over that rectangle we glue the papers from the sides, but so that only the tops of those papers overlap, so that the basket would be wider. For that we can also use doublesided tape.

 I evo sta dobijemo, to su baze korpica. Trebaju nam tanji dugi papiri - trake koji ce nam posluziti kao rucke.

And here is what we get, those are the basket bases. We need thin long paper starps which we will use as handles.

 Da bi rucka/kajis bio stabilnji, ja sam te trake duplirala, naime jednu tanju, nalepila sam na jednu siru. Zatim sam busacem probusila rupe sa obe strane trake, negde blizu krajeva, a onda probusila rupe i na korpicama, na strani na kojoj se dva papira spajaju, malo ispod vrha. Zatim sam namestila rucke, tako da se rupice na ruckama poklapaju sa rupicama na korpici i provukla kroz njih ''brads'', cime sam osigurala rucke i spojila ih sa korpicama. Rucka se takodje moze i nalepiti.

To make the handle more stable, I doubled those straps, one thinner I attached on top of the wider one. Then I made holes on both sides of the straps, somewhere close to the ends and then I also made holes on the baskets, on the side where two papers overlap, somewhere under the top. Then I put the handles, so that the holes on the handles come exactly over the holes on the baskets and I put brads, by which I secured the handles and attached them to the baskets. You can also glue the handles

Na red je doslo ukrasavanje. E, tu bas mozete da pustite masti na volju. Ja sam na ''cvetnu'' korpicu dodala par cvetova i vezala masnu sa jedne strane, a dodala sam unutra i jedan tag, gde cu napisati poruku.
Now it's time to decorate. Here you can be very imaginative. I added some flowers on the 'flowery'' basket and tied a ribbon bow on the other side and I also added a tag insde of it, where I will write a note.

Na drugoj korpici sam tag zakacila sa strane i nalepila nekoliko drvenih dugmica u obliku pticice.
On the other basket I attached a tag on the outside and added some bird shaped wooden buttons.

Nadam se da vam se svideo tutorijal, kao i korpice! Ostaje jos da dodamo kuvano jaje i par slatkisa. :)
I hope you liked the tutorial and the baskets! Now only to add an Easter egg and some candies. :)

понедељак, 6. април 2015.

Dress Me... Ljubicaste karirane cipelice / Purple Gingham Shoes

Zdravo svima! 
Za moj prvi ''Dress Me'' post odlucila sam da vam pokazem jedne od mojih omiljenih cipelica. To su ljubicaste karirane cipelice, koje ja imam vec jedno par godina.
Jako su udobne i sto je najbitnije, neobicne. Potsecaju na patofne.

Hello everyone!
For my first ''Dress Me'' post , I've decided to show you one of my favourite shoes. Those are purple gingham shoes which I've had for about 2 years.
They are really comfortable and which is most important, unusual. They remind me of house shoes.


Takodje mi se jako mnogo svidja i boja, mada ja imam jos jedne koje mnogo cesce nosim, one su duboke i vise onako crveno/crne. Vise puta sam ih nosila kad sam putovala, preudobne su.
Ovo su finske cipele i nazalost ne mogu da se kupe ovde. Medjutim, ako imate nekoga preko, mozete da mu pokazete da ih naruci za vas, evo linka.

I also really like the coour, even though I have another pair which I wear more often, those are high shoes and are more like red/black. More than once I wore them while travelling, they are too comfortable.
These are Finnish shoes, and unfortunately you can't buy them here, so if you know anyone abroad, maybe you can show and ask them to order the shoes for you, here is the link.

Kalup je malo veci, tako da obavezno uzmite za broj manje od broja koji inace nosite.
 I verujte da vrede! Ne samo sto cete imati vrlo kvalitetan i udoban par cipela, vec i vrlo originalan. :)

Ja ove cipele nosim obicno na farmerice (one duboke cesto na helanke). Nije mi bitno da li mi se slazu sa majicom, sa torbom...
Ja sam, evo, slikala i postavljam par fotografija, cisto da steknete bolji utisak o tome kako izgledaju.

The  model is a little bigger, so make sure you get them one number smaller from the number you normally wear. And trust me they are worthwhile!
I usually wear them with jeans ( the high ones often with leggings).I don't mind if they don't match my shirt, bag...
I took a  couple of photos, so that you can get a better impression of what they look like.

Na ovoj prvoj fotografiji sam odlucila da obucem majicu koja se slaze sa cipelama.
In the first photo I decided to wear a t shirt that matches the shoes.

A na ovoj drugoj, cipele se ne slazu ni sa cim. ;)
And in the second one, shoes match nothing. ;)

Cipele/Shoes -Reinos
Farmerice/Jeans -  Maxers
Blejzer/Blazer -  Maxers
Ljubicasta majica/Purple T-Shirt - Cop Brand Street Wear
Crvena majica/Red T-Shirt - Nanso

Zar nisu slatke? Sta vam j najbitnije kod odabira obuce?
Za mene su udobnost i kvalitet na prvom mestu, a takodje volim obucu koju bas necu videti na svakoj drugoj osobi u prolazu.

Aren't they cute? What is the most important thing for you when choosing shoes?
For me is comfort and quality and I like shoes which I won't be able to see on every other person I see passing by.

Hvala vam sto ste posetili moj blog i vidimo se u sredu sa novim postom. :)
Thank you for visiting my blog and see you on Wednesday with a new post. :)

четвртак, 2. април 2015.

Healthy Life and Exercise...Joga / Yoga - Krava/Macka ( Cat/Cow)

Vreme je za prvi ''Healthy Life and Exercise'' post, a ujedno i za jogu! :)
Proslo je vec skoro punih godinu dana od kako sam otkrila jogu i to je definitivno jedno od najboljih otkrica za mene do sada. 
S obzirom na to da vezbam skoro svakodnevno, a bila sam prilicno fizicki neaktivna, narocito tokom zimskih meseci, mislim da me je joga vratila u formu. :)

It's time for the first ''Healthy Life and Exercise'' post and at the same time, time for yoga! :)
It's been almost a whole year since I discovered yoga and that is definitely one of the best discoveries I've had by now.
Having in mind the fact that I practice almost daily and I used to be physically very inactive, especially during winter months, I think I'm back in form. :)

Verovatno ste do sad imali prilike da cujete ili procitate negde o blagodetima joge i sve veci broj javnih licnosti je praktikuje, ali ja cu ovde ipak ukratno pomenuti neke osnove stvari o jogi.
Prvo moram da napomenem da joga nije religija i da svi mogu da je praktikuju, joga je ipak vise od fizicke discipline, to je definitivno stil zivota.

 You've most likely had a chance by now to hear or read  somewhere about benefits of yoga and more and more celebrities practice it, but I will here, anyway, in short mention some basic things about yoga.

Rec joga (yoga) potice od sanskrita korena ''yuj'', a jedno od znacenja je ujediniti. Ujediniti um i telo.
Dobrobiti joge su mnogobojne, a ja cu pomenuti samo neke. Redovnim vezbanjem joge povecava se fleksibilnost, koncentracija, jaca snaga misica, smanjuje krvni pritisak, poboljsava cirkulacija i rad unutrasnjih organa, kapacitet pluca, joga pomaze kod problema sa astmom, anksioznosti, depresije, organizam je manje podlozan stresu i lakse se nosi sa njim, poboljsava se spavanje, fokus, joga donosi smirenost, pomaze kod migrene, bolova u kicmi i jos mnogo toga...

Word yoga comes from the sanskrit root ''yuj'', and one of the meanings is union. Union of the body and mind.
Yoga has many benefits and I will mention some of them. Regular yoga practice increases flexibility, concentration, strength of muscles, lowers blood preaure, improves circulation and work of internal organs, lung capacity, it helps with asthma problems, anxiety, depression, body is less prone to stress and it copes with it easier, it improves sleeping, focus, yoga brings tranquility, helps with migraines, back pain and much more...

Napomena: Nisam instruktor yoge!
Iako mi je namera da to postanem u skorijoj buducnosti.
Note: I'm not a yoga teacher!
Even though it's my intent to become one in near future.

Postoji veliki broj joga poza ili asana, koje se otprilike svrstavaju u osam kategorija, pa tako imamo: stojece poze, sedece, lezece poze, savijanje unapred, savijanje unazad, poze balansa, uvrtanja i  inverzije.
Za pocetak, zelim da vam pokazem dve joga poze, koje se uglavnom izvode zajedno, kao jedna.
Veoma su jednostavne za izvodjenje, i uopste ne morate biti u formi da biste ih izveli. To su poze: ''Krava'' - ''Bitilasana'' i ''Macka'' - ''Marjariasana''

U jogi je disanje najbitnije, disanje treba da bude sinhronizovano sa izvodjenjem pokreta.
Prilikom izvodjenja ovih poza treba obratiti paznju da udah bude za vreme  izvodjenja poze ''krava'', a izdah za vreme izvodjenja poze ''macka''.

There are many yoga poses or asanas, which can be divided in eight categories and so we have: standing poses, sitting, lying poses, forward bends, back bends, balance poses, twists and inversions.

For the start, I wish to show you two yoga poses, which are usually performed together, as one pose. They are very simple to perform and you don't need to be in form to do them. Those poses are: ''Cow'' - ''Bitilasana'' and ''Cat'' - Marjariasana''.

In yoga, breathing is vital, breathing should be synchronized with performing of the poses. During these poses we should make sure that an inhale is during the ''cow'' pose and an exhale during the ''cat'' pose.
Evo linka do youtube videa gde mozete videti kako se pravilno i bezbedno izvodi krava/macka joga poza.
Here is a link to a youtube video, where you can see how to correctly and safely do the cat/cow yoga pose.


 Dakle stanemo na 'sve cetiri', kolena pozicionirana direktno ispod kukova, zglobovi ispod ramena, prsti na rukama rasireni. Ledja prava, vrat prav, pogled usmeren ka podu, ramena daleko od usiju.
(tzv. pozicija povrsine stola)
 Dubok udah, repna kost ide na gore, u isto vreme od kukova i donjeg dela kicme stomak spustamo na dole, vrat i glava se polako podizu na gore:

So, we start on all fours, with knees placed directly underneath the hips and wrists underneath the shoulders, fingers spread wide. Flat back and neck, look torwards the floor, shoulders away from the ears. (so called tabletop position)
Deep breath in, tail bone goes up and at the same time starting from the hips and lower back we drop the navel down, and neck and head slowly go up.

Uz dug izdah, repna kost ide na dole, u isto vreme od donjeg dela kicme lagano stomak  i kicmu izdizemo na gore, kicma se polako zaobljavana i na kraju se vrat i glava savijaju na dole, brada se spusta prema grudima.
With a long exhale, tail bone goes down, at the same time from the lower back we slowly pull our navel and back up, spine rounds slowly and at the end neck and head bend down, chin goes towards the chest.
Ponovimo nekoliko puta.
We repeat a few times.

Dobrobiti joga poze ''krava''/''macka'' su:
jaca i isteze kicmu, stomak i vrat, poboljsava drzanje i balans, oslobadja od stresa i smiruje, pobosljsava cirkulaciju, stimulise unutrasnje organe...

Benefits of  ''cat''/''cow'' yoga pose are:
strengthens and stretches the spine, stomach and neck, improves posture and balance, relieves stress and calms down, improves circulation, stimulates internal organs...

Nadam se a vam se svideo ovaj post! :)

Kakva su vasa iskustva sa jogom?

Vidimo se u ponedeljak sa nekom novom temom! :)

I hope you've liked this post! :)

What are your experiences with yoga?

See you on Monday with a new theme! :)