среда, 8. април 2015.

DIY...Uskrsnje korpice od papira/Easter Paper Baskets

Zdravo svima!

Danas je trebalo da pisem ''Recommend me a...'' post, ali sam odlucila da taj post ostavim za sledecu nedelju i umesto toga objavim jedan tutorijal. 
Evo jednog od nacina na koji mozete napraviti lepe Uskrsnje korpice od papira. :)

Hello everyone!
Today I should have written ''Recommend me a..'' post, but I've decided to leave that post for next week and publish a tutorial instead.
Here is one of the ways in which you can make pretty paper Easter Baskets. :)

 Ja sam napravila dve, u razlicitim bojama i sa razlicitim dekoracijama, ali princip je isti. Za pocetak treba vam jedan papir ili tanji karton, nije bitno koje boje, jer uvek mozete da ga ukrasite. 
Moji papiri su bili dimenzija 20cmx20cm, ali vi mozete sami da odlucite, u zavisnosti od toga da li zelite manju ili vecu korpicu, a takodje i zavisno od toga kakav papir imate. Ja sam koristila papir za cestitke i scrapbook, jedan je cak dvostrani ( ima sare sa obe strane).
Dakle, pocecete tako sto cete papir saviti. Ja sam odmerila po 6cm od oba kraja i povukla uspravne linije ( dobro je ako imate scoring board, ali ne morate uopste biti posebno precizni, cak i bez lenjira mozete napraviti korpice). Zatim sam okrenula papir za 90 stepeni i uradila isto, povukla uspravne linije na 6cm od oba kraja papira ( mozete blago povuci linije olovkom i posle izbrisati).To mi je ostavilo sirinu od 8cm u sredini, to ce mi biti baza, a kvadrat u samom centru papira - dno korpice.

I made two, in different colours and with different decorations, but in the same way. For the start you'll need a paper or cardstock, it doesn't matter in which colour, because you can always decorate it.
My papers were 20cmx20cm, but you can decide on your own, depending on whether you want a smaller or a bigger basket and what kind of paper you have.I used designer paper for cards and scrapbook, one doublesided.
So, you will start with folding the paper. I measured 6cm from both sides and drew two lines ( it's good if you have a scoring board, but you don't even need to be very precise, even without a ruller, you can make these baskets). Then I turned the paper for 90 degrees and did the same, I drew two lines 6cm from both sides ( you can use a pen and then erase it). That left me the width of 8cm in the middle, which was going to be the base, a square in the middle of the paper - a bottom of the basket.

Zatim je red dosao na makaze. Prvo sam isekla papir po linijama na dve suprotne strane, ali samo do srednjeg kvadrata. Takodje sam isekla i male pravougaonike 6cmx8cm, da ukrasim unutrasnjost korpice, jer je druga strana papira bela. Te pravougaonike sam zalepila obostrano lepljivom trakom na cetiri pravougaonika, kao na slici dole. Mozete leipiti lepkom.

Then it's time to use scissors. First I cut the paper on the lines on two oposite sides, but only till the middle square.I also cut smaller rectangles 6cmx8cm, to decorate the inside of the basket, because the other side of the paper was white.Those rectangles I attached with doublesided tape on four rectangles like in the photo bellow. You can use glue, too.

Zatim se sastavljju strane. Srednja dva pravougaonika, gde smo napravili proreze, ''podizemo'' i stavljamo malo obostrano lepljive trake sa spoljne strane.Zatim preko tog pravougaonika spajamo bocne dve strane papira, ali tako da se samo vrhovi papira preklope, da bi se korpica lepo sirila. I tu mozemo koristiti obostrano lepljivu traku.

Then it's time to put the sides together. Two middle rectangles, where we made the cuts, we ''lift up'' and put some doublesided tape or glue from the outside. Then over that rectangle we glue the papers from the sides, but so that only the tops of those papers overlap, so that the basket would be wider. For that we can also use doublesided tape.

 I evo sta dobijemo, to su baze korpica. Trebaju nam tanji dugi papiri - trake koji ce nam posluziti kao rucke.

And here is what we get, those are the basket bases. We need thin long paper starps which we will use as handles.

 Da bi rucka/kajis bio stabilnji, ja sam te trake duplirala, naime jednu tanju, nalepila sam na jednu siru. Zatim sam busacem probusila rupe sa obe strane trake, negde blizu krajeva, a onda probusila rupe i na korpicama, na strani na kojoj se dva papira spajaju, malo ispod vrha. Zatim sam namestila rucke, tako da se rupice na ruckama poklapaju sa rupicama na korpici i provukla kroz njih ''brads'', cime sam osigurala rucke i spojila ih sa korpicama. Rucka se takodje moze i nalepiti.

To make the handle more stable, I doubled those straps, one thinner I attached on top of the wider one. Then I made holes on both sides of the straps, somewhere close to the ends and then I also made holes on the baskets, on the side where two papers overlap, somewhere under the top. Then I put the handles, so that the holes on the handles come exactly over the holes on the baskets and I put brads, by which I secured the handles and attached them to the baskets. You can also glue the handles

Na red je doslo ukrasavanje. E, tu bas mozete da pustite masti na volju. Ja sam na ''cvetnu'' korpicu dodala par cvetova i vezala masnu sa jedne strane, a dodala sam unutra i jedan tag, gde cu napisati poruku.
Now it's time to decorate. Here you can be very imaginative. I added some flowers on the 'flowery'' basket and tied a ribbon bow on the other side and I also added a tag insde of it, where I will write a note.

Na drugoj korpici sam tag zakacila sa strane i nalepila nekoliko drvenih dugmica u obliku pticice.
On the other basket I attached a tag on the outside and added some bird shaped wooden buttons.

Nadam se da vam se svideo tutorijal, kao i korpice! Ostaje jos da dodamo kuvano jaje i par slatkisa. :)
I hope you liked the tutorial and the baskets! Now only to add an Easter egg and some candies. :)

2 коментара:

  1. Jao, ovo je prelepo, idealno za poklone bliskim ljudima! Sad zalim za vremenom koje nemam :(
