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Koju knjigu citate trenutno?
Ja mnogo volim da citam!
Zadnjih par godina, doduse, imala sam manje vremena za citanje knjiga, ali ranije sam citala bas puno. Krenula sam sa knjigama Dzejn Ostin jos u Osnovnoj skoli (zahvaljujuci cuvenoj BBC-jevoj mini seriji Gordost i Predrasude iz 1996. koju sam gledala milion puta), pa sestrama Bronte (obozavam Orkanske Visove), onda sam iscitala brojne klasike, kao sto su: Prohujalo sa vihorom, Dama s kamelijama, Doktor Zivago, Drakula...Pa onda savremena literatura, dela Dena Brauna, Izabel Aljende, Trejsi Sevalije...Uvek nesto citam, ali, citam sporo, nekako volim da u glavi stvorim sliku svega sto se desava u knjizi i ne zurim.
Which book are you reading at the moment?
Which book are you reading at the moment?
I love to read!
For the last two years, though, I haven't had as much time for reading as earlier when I read a lot.
I started with Jane Austen books in Primary school (thanks to the BBC mini series Pride and Prejudice which I've seen million times), then with the Bronte sisters ( I love Wuthering Heights), then I read many classics, such as: Gone with the Wind, The Lady of the Camellias, Doctor Zhivago, Dracula...
Then modern literature, Dan Brown books, Isabel Allende, Tracy Chevalier...I'm always reading something, but, I read slowly, I like to imagine the scenes from the book and I don't rush.
Then modern literature, Dan Brown books, Isabel Allende, Tracy Chevalier...I'm always reading something, but, I read slowly, I like to imagine the scenes from the book and I don't rush.

Danas zelim da vam preporucim tri knjige, sve tri su ujedno i moji favoriti za 2014. godinu, a dve od njih sam procitala dvaput ( tj, jednu citam po drugi put uporedo sa jos jednom knjigom).
Today I'd like to recommend you thre books, all are, at the same time, my favourites for 2014th and two of them I've read twice ( I'm reading one of them now along with another book).
Bez nekog odredjenog reda, evo prve knjige. To je Lujza Hej - ''Moc je u vama''. Ja sam sasvim slucajno otkrila Lujzu Hej, dok sam prosle godine gledala jednu emisiju na TV. Zaintrigirala me je prica, potrazila sam knjigu na internetu i narucila je. Knjiga je zaista dobra i verujem da moze da svakom promeni zivot nabolje, ali je bitno pridrzavati se odredjenih stvari svakog dana, ne samo u toku citanja knjige...
Jedna recenica sa pozadine knjige: ''Lujza nas podstice da mislimo svojim glavama na pozitivan nacin - sta da radimo, ne sta da ne radimo, sta znamo, ne sta ne znamo; sta smo, ne sta nismo.''
Without a special order, here is the first book. It's Louise Hay - ''The Power is Within You''. I discovered Louisa by accident, last year while watching some TV program, I got intrigued, searched for the book on the net and ordered it. The book is really good and I believe that it can change everyone's life for the better, but it's important to follow some things on the daily basis, not only while reading the book...
One sentence from the backcover, I will translate: ''Lousie inspires us to think with our heads in positive way- what to do, not what not to do, what we know, not what we don't know; what we are, not what we ar not.''
Druga knjiga, knjiga koja me je odusevila - Artur Golden - ''Memoari jedne Gejse''. Tu knjigu sam prvi put procitala 2006., zajedno sa sestrom, toliko me je opcinila, prica, stil...toliko, da sam morala da je procitam jos jednom, a u medjuvremenu sam i par puta odgledala film. Ako jos uvek niste procitali ''Memoare jedne Gejse'', onda vam iskreno preporucujem da to bude sledeca knjiga koju cete citati. :)
To je knjiga o gejsi, o njenom zivotu, detinjstvu, mladosti, njenim iskusenjima, patnjama, sreci...Od detaljno opisanih kimona i nacina na koji se Gejse sminkaju, oblace, uce da igraju, sipaju sake...do neverovatne ljubavne price, izdaje...Kroz knjigu upoznajete jedan nov, dalek svet, knjiga odise setom i neverovatnom lepotom.
The second book which delighted me - Arthur Golden - ''Memoirs of a Geisha''. I read that book for the firt time in 2006, with my sister and then I had to read it again nd in the meantime I watched the movie a couple of times. If you still haven't read ''Memoirs of a Geisha'', then I sincerely recommend that you read this book next. :)
It's a book about Geisha, her life, childhood, youth, her temptations, sufferings, happiness...From the in detail described kimonos, ways in which Geisha's put make up, dress, learn to dance, serve sake...to an amazing love story, betrayel...Through this book you get to know a new, distant world, the book has a melanholic atmosphere and an amazing beauty.
I za kraj, knjiga koja je isla sa mnom na letovanje prosle godine, jos jedna u nizu knjiga Izabel Aljende koju sam procitala i koja mi se mnogo, mnogo svidela - ''Ostrvo ispod mora''.
Knjige Izabel Aljende imaju tu neku caroliju i prepune su neverovatnih, zanimljivih likova. Jednom sam negde procitala komentar u vezi sa njenim knjigama koji je isao otprilike ovako, parafraziram: '' Nebitno da li su u pitanju glavni likovi, ili sporedni koji se mozda tek nekoliko puta pojavljuju, svaki lik u knjigama Izabel Aljende je malo remek delo.''
A na pozadini knjige pise: ''Plesi, plesi Sarite, jer je rob koji plese slobodan...dok god plese...''
And last, a book that went on a summer vacation with me last year, another Isabel Allende book of many I've read and I liked it a lot. - ''The Island Beneath the Sea''.
Isabel Allende books have this magic and are full of incredible, interesting characters. Once I read a comment somewhere about her books and the comment went something like this: ''It doesn't matter if it's the leading character, or a character that appears a couple of times, every character in Isabel Allende books is a masterpiece on it's own''.
And on the backcover it says - I will translate: ''Dance,dance Sarite, because a slave that dances is free...until he dances...''
Nadam se da su vam se svideli moji danasnji predlozi!
Jeste li procitali neku od ovih knjiga? Kako vam se svidela?
Imate li vi neku preporuku za mene?
I hope you liked some of my today's recommendations!
Have you read any of these books? How did you like them?
Do you have a recommendation for me?
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